Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Maryland Science Museum Visit in Baltimore (Inner Harbor)

Brielle, with her tech assistant (Mommy), is doing some research and experimenting at the water stations.

Christian is helping Brielle with her experimentation but soon left the water stations to play with trains because of his dislike of getting his sleeves wet.

Avery was thoroughly engaged in the water stations and made sure he visited every part of the stations. He enjoyed making fountains and building dams.

Avery and Christian are creating a water funnel. They enjoyed visiting the many stations that create scientific phenomenon.

The all time favorite part of the museum was none other than the dinosaur exhibits. Here the boys share the stage with one of their favorites (Mr. Triceratops).

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christian's Christmas Song(s)

Christian wanted to practice a Christmas song for us and he also shows some of his moves.

Christmas Activity or Inactivity?

Avery and Christian are getting ready to open gifts. Needless to say both were very excited about this opportunity.

A nap is clearly required after a day of Christmas excitement and the food that goes along with it. Kerri and her parents are getting the power nap in early!!

Avery, Christian and Connor (cousin) are testing their technological savy by using a Nintendo DS. It appears they are doing well from their expressions.

Brielle and Kerri are enjoying some playtime (this was before the nap above) - Mommy got tired out before Brielle. This is a common parental problem for Mommy and Daddy.

Pre Christmas Activities

Brielle is getting ready to eat some "real" food since she is now entering that stage of her life. She is all smiles about the menu.

Fun with the cousins (see below)

Fun with cousins continues (see below)

The three celebration photos are of a party with the cousins to celebrate Jesus' birthday. We just wanted to reinforce the true meaning of Christmas with our kids.

We also had some gaming fun with Mr. Mouth. Brielle liked one of the game attachments more than the game but regardless it was still a fun event.
Avery and Christian are showcasing Avery's Christmas diorama from school. Kerri and Avery worked hard on that project!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fricks In Motion

Kerri, Brielle, and Christian enjoy some time together while in Liberty, PA visiting family.

Avery continues his musical ways by tickling the ivory.

Patriotic Avery

Avery gives us his version of an old patriotic tune. He also adds his own moves.